Dr Martyna Berwertz

Pain Specialist & Anaesthetist

Dr Martyna Berwertz - Pain Specialist & Anaesthetist


FRCA (Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK)
FFPMRCA (Faculty of Pain Medicine, RCoA, UK)
EDPM (European Diploma in Pain Medicine, ESRA, Switzerland)
FFPMANZCA (Faculty of Pain Medicine, ANZCA, Australia)

General Information about Practitioner

Dr Berwertz is a highly regarded Pain Medicine specialist who is passionate about her patients and focused on delivering the best-tailored care. Her individual approach includes collaboration with the multidisciplinary team to empower patients to change the life of one suffering to one coping successfully with chronic conditions. Dr Berwertz advocates a holistic and well-balanced approach to pain management. Martyna fully understands the impact of chronic pain on an individual’s life and is proud to be able to actively support patients in their journey. She seeks to understand patients and their pain as not only an isolated physical symptom but as an ongoing process that affects both emotional and psychological aspects. Dr Berwertz knows it is important to listen to patients to understand their pain experience and expectations. She investigates, diagnoses, and treats pain based on her expertise and available clinical evidence.

Dr Berwertz completed her postgraduate specialist training in anaesthesia in the United Kingdom. During her Pain Medicine Training in the major trauma centre at the Sheffield Teaching Hospital, Martyna successfully obtained a Fellowship in Pain Medicine (Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine Royal College of Anaesthetists, London UK) and gained dual accreditations. She subsequently attained the European Diploma in Pain Medicine (EDPM), further enhancing competent, ethical, and professional care. Additionally, she completed the Neuromodulation Academy.

Dr Berwertz worked for three years as a consultant at Sheffield Teaching Hospital before emigrating to Australia. She lived and worked in Melbourne for two years and relocated with her family to South Australia.

Dr Berwertz’s specialist clinical interest includes a wide range of pain conditions, including neuropathic/ nerve pain, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), painful diabetic neuropathy, neck pain, shoulder pain, back and buttock pain (spinal pain), hip and knee pain, foot and ankle pain, chest and abdominal pain, chronic post-surgical and posttraumatic pain, joint pain, muscle pain, head and oro-facial pain.

Dr Berwertz offers joint injections, spinal interventions, nerve blocks, epidural, sympathetic blocks, nerve roots blocks, median branch blocks, radiofrequency (RF) and pulsed radiofrequency treatments (PRF), platelet-rich plasma injections (PRP) and more complex procedures such as neuromodulation (spinal cord stimulator, peripheral nerve stimulator).

Professional Affiliations

  • International Association of Study of Pain (IASP)
  • Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA)
  • International Neuromodulation Society (INS) and Neuromodulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (NSANZ)
  • Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK
  • Faculty of Pain Medicine, (ANZCA), Australia

 Research & Affiliations

  • CerCare ongoing research involvement https://painmedsa.com/research/
  • “Fibromyalgia Survey Score as an independent predictor of success following interventional pain procedures for Patients with Chronic non-cancer Pain” (STH19684). Named investigator, 2017-2020
  • POPULAR study: Post anaesthesia pulmonary complications after use of muscle relaxants in Europe. A European prospective multicenter observational study. 2016


  • Berwertz M, Das S, Raj J: “A prospective observational study to assess aberrant drug behaviours in chronic pain patients on gabapentinoids”; Indian Journal of Pain; 2021; Volume 35; Issue 1; Page 46-51
  • Read M, Berwertz M, Rao R; “Length of stay in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic bowel resection with different types of regional anaesthesia”; European Journal of Anaesthesiology; Volume 38; 7295, p e 70, 2020
  • Berwertz M, Das S, Bendinger: “Gabapentin, Pregabalin is there a real problem?”; Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine: September/October 2017 – Volume 42 – Issues 5S – p e 120
  • Berwertz M, Mathers P, Plunkett N, Bendinger T; “Suprascapular nerve radiofrequency ablation for chronic shoulder pain – our experience in managing patient’s analgesia and improving outcomes”; Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine: September/October 2017 – Volume 42 – Issues 5S – p e 120
  • Berwertz M.1, Cruickshank A.1, Blackburn A.2, Hormis A.2, and Roddison R; “Fractured ribs – our experience in managing patient’s analgesia and improving outcomes”; Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine: September/October 2017 – Volume 42 – Issues 5S – p e 111
  • Berwertz M. Bendinger T, Plunkett N: “Can outcomes of interventional procedures be predicted using psychological assessments? Retrospective evaluation of chronic pain patients undergoing interventional procedures, using common psychological pain scales”: Br J Pain.2017 May; 11(3 Supplement): page 40
  • Berwertz M, Harper S, Atcheson R; “Transverse abdominal plane (TAP) and rectus sheath block for laparoscopic appendectomy in adults. Sheffield Teaching Hospital experience”; Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine: September/October 2017 – Volume 42 – Issues 5S – p e 174
  • Berwertz M, Cruickshank A, Roddison R, Hormis AP, Blackburn A. “Improving patient experience and outcomes following fracture ribs at the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust “: Br J Pain. 2016 May; 10 (2 Supplement): 5–91.
  •  “The making of a Sheffield Final FRCA SOE course”; S Yeung, M Berwertz; SEAUK, Newsletter, Winter 2015



Languages spoken other than English


Consulting at

5 Greenhill Road
Wayville SA  5034

Operating at

Ashford Hospital
Stirling Hospital
Tennyson Centre Day Hospital
Western Hospital


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