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Cluneal Nerve Blockade 

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To better understand cluneal nerve blocks it is important to understand the cluneal nerve. This nerve cluster is at the upper portion of the buttocks and is the termination of the lumbar nerves at the base of the spine.

When these nerves are inflamed, the pain will be centralised in the lower back and can radiate down the leg.


The area above the buttocks will be tender to the touch but the area below will have decreased sensation.

Cluneal nerve blocks are intended to relieve chronic pain experienced due to the inflammation of these nerves. After attempting less invasive treatment such as NSAID therapy and steroids, this may be the best solution for an individual suffering from chronic pain in the cluneal nerve region.


A nerve block is a way to treat the chronic pain by injecting a local anaesthetic, most commonly lidocaine, which temporarily causes the nerve to stop working and can provide some respite from chronic pain. A nerve block can be used by your doctor to try to isolate the cause of your pain as well.


There are risks associated with the use of cluneal nerve blocks. It can cause permanent damage of the nerves, which will be slow to regenerate. If something were to go wrong with the procedure you could experience paralysis of the muscles and lasting numbness. Nerve blocks can, in some rare cases, irritate the nerve and increase the pain.

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